Another weekend has ended and another Monday has arrived. Although this past weekend was a great one, I wanted to start this week off on another great note. The only way to do that is, positivity. I do apologize for the delay of this post. My week has been thrown off by the holiday. With Monday being Labor Day (in the US, at least) a lot of folks were off. What another great way to start the week, a holiday! :)
This weekend, or should I say past week, was the start of college football. I have been waiting for this season to start for what felt like a million years. My husband and I are planning to attend all the home games for Mississippi State. We drove to the college to get our student tickets for the season and while we were on our way home, my hubby pointed out this amazing cloud in front of the sun. I just couldn't look at it, I had to snap a pic. The light from behind the cloud just screaming to shine was just amazing. I felt like the photo didn't capture the beauty of it entirely, but just having a photo to remember it was good enough for me.
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and continued to have a wonderful week. I have been enjoying these Quotography Mondays. I find it as a great way to showcase photos I've taken throughout the week, that I otherwise wouldn't share.
If you haven't already, join an awesome link up that I am so very honored to be a guest host on, Social Media Mixer #14. Once there you will see so many bloggers to check out and some awesome featured posts!
Come join the fun of Quotography Monday! We would love for you all to join and share your photos with everyone!
Stay tuned for more posts, I have a couple of reviews coming up. The long awaited moisturizer review is almost finished and monthly favorites for August is coming as well. :)