Do you love going on dates with your significant other? Are you finding some dates way out of budget? Are you running out of ideas? Well this post is for you! I am going to share with you all 5 affordable date night ideas! So lets get started with the ideas!
The first idea is for the cookers. If you are someone who loves to cook and enjoys trying new foods, this one is for you. Sometimes the idea of eating is all you want to do, but you've tried all the restaurants in town and want to try something new. Well something my husband and I like to do when we run into this, is to cook a meal together. It is a great way to bond and you get to cook something you both love. Makes the food taste so much better with all that love! hehe :)

This second one is probably an obvious one, but my husband and I love to do this date night idea often. It is actually one we do a lot, second to eating out or cooking together. We love to watch movies at home. Sometimes we will rent a couple of movies from Red-box or simply watch movies on Netflix. With the internet it makes having movie night at home so much easier. Just go to your local grocery store and get your fave movie essentials and grab a movie and just relax in the comfort of your own home. What is better then that!?
The third date night idea my husband and I use to do a lot in the past and would love to do more often. Bowling! Its a lot of fun to just go to a bowling alley and show off your bowling skills. hehe =P Plus it helps that one round of bowling happens to be pretty affordable. It can also keep you guys pretty occupied for an hour at least with just one round. Most bowling alleys also have a bar and food available, so its a one stop shop kind of place.
Fourth idea is your local carnival or fairs. Most of these don't come around until spring or summer, but its super fun to go to and enjoy. Most of them usually only charge for parking and the admissions are free. So if you aren't one to ride the rides or eat the carni food, this idea could be fairly inexpensive. It also can add up if you are the type to ride all the rides and eat all the elephant ears your little tummy can handle. haha =P

Last date night idea is to visit the closest museum or art gallery. Most of them are free of charge and if they aren't free, they are very inexpensive. You never know, you might learn some new things. Also, with art galleries, they usually don't host the same art for each show. So keep that in mind, the first visit may not be the same as the second visit.
I hope you enjoyed my date night ideas. Please share some date night ideas you have with me in the comments below. I would love to hear some of your ideas and who knows, I may try it out for a future date night with hubby!
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