Saturday, May 3, 2014

#BEDM | Blog Everyday in May Challenge Day 3

The Topic: Weekend Morning Routine

On a typical weekend morning, I tend to sleep in, if possible. When I say if possible, it means if my husband doesn't decide he wants to wake me up to spend time together. Lol ;p

Drink Water | The very first thing I do is quench my thirst. I drink a full glass of water to help clear my mouth out of all that morning ickiness. Plus it has an added benefit of waking up internal organs.

Brush My Teeth/ Oral Hygiene | I can't stand the taste of the morning ickiness, so it is a must that I brush my teeth. Along with brushing my teeth I go through my whole oral hygiene routine.

World Wide Web | I check everything on the intrnert, Blogger, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, school stuff, etc. Whether I am laying back in bed checking on my iphone, ipad, or in the office checking on the computer, it is usually one of the first things I do after fully waking up.
Eat Breakfast | At this point, I just eat whatever I feel like having for breakfast. I don't eat anything heavy or a whole lot in the morning. I tend to save the heavy eatting for lunch time.
Getting Ready | After breakfast, depending on what I have to do that day, I either get ready for work or get ready to run errands, or go back to taking care of tasks online.
During the weekend my morning routine doesn't consist of a whole lot, which I like because I like to take it easy as much as I can. :D
Share your Weekend Morning Routines with me in the comments below, & if you are participating in the #BEDM challenge, please leave your blog URL below! I would love to read other posts and check out the differences between us all. ;p

Until Next Time,
Avie T.

[P.S] I missed Throwback Thursday this past week. I apologize for missing that post and please stay tuned for next Thursday's throwback. If you haven't checked out the previous Throwback Thursday's post, Click Here.
I am also going to try to get these #BEDM challenge posts out at a scheduled time. So let me know what the best time frame is for post to go out live. I would love the feedback. Thanks all! :]

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